About Medical Aid Quote

As the name suggests, you can get your medical aid quote right here on this page. What is more, we compare the best of all the top South African medical schemes and present them to you in a manner where you can easily compare the various options.

Note that the medical schemes in South Africa now offer affordable hospita plans too. It is always preferable to join a hospital option with a medical aid as by law these bodies must pay Prescribed Minimum Benefits. This is unlike the products offered by health insurance companies like Clientele and One Plan.


About Medical Aid Quote Service Online


Kindly complete and submit the form below. We will contact you with a professional quote comparing the several options available.



Your no-obligation   medical aid quote will include options to suit your pocket. Please ensure that the cover you select is exactly what you need and that you understand precisely what insurance you are buying. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the medical aid or hospital cover you choose.